Designed and created by a positive minded, Gluten-free, thyroid cancer survivor!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

No More, My Heart

My heart


Lay broken at your feet


You didn’t catch it

Though you asked for it to fall


“Come to me” you’d say…

Knowing it had to fight to join you


But you couldn’t wait


Now, here it is

Bruised and torn


It beats and throbs to show that it still lives


Yours to have


But where are you to collect the pieces

And stitch it back together as if it were your own?




Was it all a dream?


My heart slows

Its soul has fled


Its pulse --


No more

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Stripped and bare

I want nothing more than to watch your body

Have you shiver beneath my touch

Your skin smooth beneath my embrace


Let me lose myself in your existence

There is only you


Let me feel your power

                Electricity through my veins

Breathing new life into my soul


Come to me

                For me


Again and again
~T. Shannon

The Woman Who Writes

The woman who writes
has a depth of soul
like an abyss...
Dark and frightful at first glimpse
Many turn away
unwilling to stay
Afraid to thumb the pages of her book
It's written in her blood
In her tears and fears
and in her laughter and love
Its sanguine ink soaks through every page
and its subject matter is sage
Beginning in well-worn memories
that last on forever
far beyond her earth bound years

Learn to love her
this woman who writes
She is worth the effort
Within her lies a labyrinth of scars
encompassed by a wisdom and a love so large
it could only be rivalled by the magnitude and complexity of a universe full of stars
She is there for you to explore
To have, to hold, to love
Just be patient and be kind

And of course
dare to step inside

~T. Shannon~

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