when I just think - good god, what am I doing and how can I
stop doing what it is that I don't like. Well, unfortunately you can't just
flip a switch and presto your life is changed and becomes as you want it - you
have to carry on, do what needs to be done. All the while never, ever stop
wishing and dreaming. Without dreams or aspirations, what's the point? I mean
really if you have nothing to drive you forward or to look forward to you may
as well just curl up in a ball and end it all.
I'm a glass is half full kind of a person (usually that
glass is half-full of some sort of cabernet) and you can almost count on the
fact that I can find a positive side to most anything . . . though there are
times when I can be equally as cynical. My steadfast belief is that cynicism is
just unfortunately something that you learn over time. Cynicism just worms its
way in - but it's up to you to figure out how you are going to let it affect
you. I for one have to curb my cynicism with humour and sarcasm. . . life is
all the more enjoyable with a little bit of humour and sarcasm thrown in for
Now that I look at it all in writing here, I'm forced to
think - maybe it's not even cynicism at all. It's experience. Experience has
shown me that some things in life . . . are just crap. You just have to put up
with some crap in life - deal with it, sort it, work in it - to get to the good
stuff. Into everyone’s life a little crap must fall . . . and sometimes it's
just a little and other times it's a whole lot! Either way, it's not forever,
because just as sure as the sun shines - change will also surely come. Nothing
ever stays the same and sooner or later life will change and the clean-up crew
will come along and sweep the poop deck clear.
So on this day, as I sit and wonder about how to make my way
through this latest pile of $h!t thrown at my feet I think - it's not so bad
because I have confidence and I'm doing the best that I can. Things will work
out. Eventually something will come along and things will change - and even if
they don't change for the better no problem, because eventually that will
change too. "This too shall pass." Ultimately I'm in charge - I'm the
starring role in my own life story. It's my choice ultimately to carry on
whatever path I'm presently on. And, I think that's what a lot of people forget
- if you’re not happy, it's in you to change things . . . it's not someone
else's job to do that for you.
"When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. When
you cry, you cry alone" - I don't know who originally said that, however I
do know my Grandmother used to say now and then. It stuck with me. As does the
saying below . . . and I wish to you all the following!!:
I was inspired today - and from of all things watching an
episode of Rachel Ray. I think in fact I saw a version of what I would love to
be - Rachel Allen. An Irish cook who travels the Irish countryside cooking
fresh food, having a great old time. Now the food thing is great, and I love to
cook - but in all honesty I would have to throw in some wine, whiskey and beer
tastings, pairings - you know what I mean. That would be more me ;)
So to honour today’s inspiration (and in honour of St. Patrick’s
Day coming up!!) - and as a treat to those of you who actually read to the
bottom of this post . . . here is my secret/not so secret recipe for making
Irish Bliss Cake.
It's so simple - take one box of vanilla cake mix and follow
it's directions but instead of adding all the milk required add 1 cup of
Baileys (to that add whatever amount is still needed of Milk) and use olive oil
instead of vegetable oil . . . to that add a cup of vanilla pudding and a cup
of yogurt.
Mix it all together and bake for whatever time the box tells
you to . . . but bake at 325 degrees F.
****Always, always - cook your cakes at
that temperature. Just sayin' - they always turn out much better at that temp,
Cheers!! Aka - Slainte :)
Maybe there is a cookbook in my future . . . ``How North American Women get Fat.``